Update!! Update!!

Yeah, the picture has nothing to do with the subject, but it is a cool autumn shot hahaha.

Hellooooo there!

I have been neglecting this Blog, I know, but I have also stopped posting videos on my YouTube Channel and pictures on Flickr.

It's not that I will quit doing these things, but I have been really busy with my job. Each day it gets more and more demanding and it is hard to keep up with everything else.

I have 5 activities which I consider jobs, not only because those are things I really love doing, but also because they are very time-consuming.

1. My day time job as an executive at a Tourism Consultant's office.

2. My internet activities such as my Blog, Vlog and Flickr. These are not real jobs but I do have to spend quite a lot of time on them (specially with the Vlog). Remember: time is money ;-)

3. My make-up company. I have recently started a society with my best friend, we are both freelance make-up artists and have decided to get together and do the best out of it with promotion, CI, marketing and all those things (we'll have a website soon yaaayy!!).

4. Probably the least important but also time-consuming, I help a friend with his website taking pictures at social events and stuff like that.

5. English lessons, 2 students.

So there it is, no wonder why I'm so busy all the time... But I promise I will be more active on the internet soon and I will continue posting my tourism Vlogs (I just need the time to edit them).

I've also been thinking of doing daily Vlogs about weight loss... I have just started my diet again (after months of eating whatever and putting on 9lbs -4kg- :-S) and I just need the motivation to go through this again. I think that maybe the Vlogs would help. What do you think? Would that be interesting to watch? Maybe 2 or 3-minute Vlogs per day... That'd be cool... Let me know what you think ;-)

Anyway, thanks for reading this update and I hope you're all doing fine.


Ps. I am pretty active on Twitter though, so if interested, you can follow me at:

Personal Twitter: MarianaPichu
Tourism Twitter: MarianaPichuX2

I might be opening a new Twitter account for the make-up interested, but I don't know yet.

I'll let you know ;-)